Thursday, May 14, 2020

Describe Personal Attributes You Possess Or Life Experiences

1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) My life experiences with different cultures began in my hometown, when Prairie Island Tribal Council members educated students about their culture through lectures, dance, and band performances. This allowed me to appreciate my Mdewakanton classmates’ culture. My exposure to different cultures expanded during an internship at a medical examiner’s office, because death is universal. I learned being culturally respectful and sensitive begins by listening to their stories and experiences before answering their questions honestly and reassuring them the deceased would be treated with respect. As I traveled to rural Honduras on a medical brigade and as a student studying abroad in Italy and Germany, I realized by listening and observing without judgement, I began to understand the cultures. In addition, I discovered generalizations of a culture give an incomplete view and I cannot assume I understand a culture. Instead, individuals are unique based on experiences as well as their culture. a. Identify community service activities in which you have participated in during the last five years. Medical Activities AND Non-medical Activities Medical Activities Non-medical Activities NoShow MoreRelatedThe Army s Formula For Success1320 Words   |  6 Pagesfate is effective leadership. We must tirelessly seek to understand effective leadership in order to maintain the trust and confidence of all Soldiers while consistently exemplifying certain essential attributes, regardless of the mistakes that we will make. 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